August 10, 2010

Russia in the smoke

smoke all over Russia
This summer is very anomalous here. From the beginning of July temperature doesn't fall below the mark at 38 degrees (usually we have only 25 at summer) and from the middle of July because of fever a lot of forests and peats in central Russia began to burn. Because of all of it ecological situation in Russia is critical: 48 people had died in the fires and more than 2,000 had lost their homes throughout central Russia, visibility in Moscow dropped to 20 meters (0.01 miles), smoke poses a health risk because it contains small particles (soot) and hazardous gases that canIn my hearing one old woman died in train because it was to hot and conditioners aren't strong enough for this weather.
Kremlin in smoke

Everyone in Russia is waiting for a rain because the last time we had it only in the middle of July. And Russian agriculture suffers from heat and lack of moisture, that's why we wait the big rising of prises in autumn.

And I'm going to leave this hell in 4 days. Iceland wait me.